For Sale Instagram Account

For Sale Instagram Account; Why should I buy an Ig account?

The popularity of social media has brought many lucrative opportunities to many people.

The number of users on Instagram passed over 1.4 Billion by June 2022. You need an organic and hand grown account to be successful in this platform and reach to the high revenue by posting sponsored contents, selling promotions on Instagram Stories, or selling products directly.

For those willing to pay upfront, purchasing an account that already has thousands of followers will reportedly save budding members and startups the tedious process of building an audience.

Now that you know social media and what you can do with it, there is another way to help you make money. It’s social account ownership. With the recent restrictions on being able to buy followers, there is now a new trend:

For sale Instagram account that already has followers.

A cat came out of the bag. For years, users have been buying and selling social media properties, including Instagram accounts. It may seem silly to some, but this industry is worth millions of dollars a year. In short, selling Instagram accounts is possible and you can make money and sometimes, you can earn an annual income by selling several accounts.

What are the reasons people buy and sell Instagram accounts?

People rarely buy an Instagram account to replace their profile picture with their own. That’s not how it works, nor why people buy Instagram accounts. The main reason is starting an Instagram account from scratch is very difficult.

For Sale Instagram Account

The most common reasons people are interested in a for sale Instagram account:

Quick fame:

As mentioned earlier, buying an Instagram account and then renaming it to your own image will not work. But you can use your followers to promote anything else you can think of. Businesses around the world are happy to drop money on worthwhile Instagram accounts related to their niche. For example, if you own a gym, would you like to buy a popular fitness-related Instagram account? I’m sure everyone would. In this way, new account holders have instant access to thousands of people who may be interested in their product or service.

Selling shoutouts:

Yes, Large Instagram accounts are valuable properties, if the account is active and has organic growth. Therefore, people will approach you directly if you own a large Instagram account and offer you money for a mention or a shoutout.


Yes, a large Instagram account is a valuable asset if the account is active and showing organic growth. So if you have a big Instagram account, people will approach you directly and offer you money for mentions and shoutouts.

Instagram accounts have become commodities. To make profit from a for sale Instagram account, you need to find a good quality one and buy it low and sell high. That’s the name of the game. You can also compare this industry to the current NFT boom. Much like NFTs, Instagram accounts with lots of followers have tangible value.

For fun:

Last but not least, people buy them for fun. Humor-related Instagram accounts are very popular. People love to share and spread jokes, memes, funny videos and more.

which type of Instagram accounts have the most demand in the market?

Personal IG accounts usually don’t sell well, even if they have a lot of followers. Instadeal only sells themed Instagram accounts. In fact, our site is against on selling personal Instagram accounts because it borders on identity theft. Buyers today are aware of the risks of purchasing a personal account. Because renaming to something else rarely works. Your followers are following you for you. They don’t want someone else hijacking their feed and spamming them.

We label another type of Instagram account as a ‘niche’ or ‘topic’ account that the posts are related to a specific theme, for example, fashion. So while personal Instagram accounts may be where the most lucrative brand sponsorships take place, most buying and selling happens on niche accounts.

Which Instagram niche sells the best?

The data below has been collected since 2018 and is based on our experience. This data isn’t aimed specifically at Instagram accounts, but should give you a general idea of ​​what’s expected.

  1. Travel Instagram Accounts
  2. Crypto Instagram Accounts
  3. Fashion
  4. Pet Instagram Accounts
  5. NFT Instagram Account
  6. Fitness
  7. Luxury Instagram Accounts
  8. Makeup Instagram Accounts
  9. Food
  10. Cars
  11. Anime
  12. Meme
  13. Music
  14. Babes
  15. Football
  16. Cats
  17. Real Estate
  18. Gaming

Where to find the best for sale Instagram account?

You came to the right place! INSTADEAL is #1 marketplace where you can buy organic, hand grown and affordable Instagram accounts. To buy an Instagram account on our platform, once you found your preferred account from catalogs, press “Buy Now” button. Then we’ll offer you several payment methods to pay for your order. You will be connected with one of our staff to choose the most convenient payment method and pay for the account. When we receive your payment, you’ll receive the credentials of the account with the instruction to secure it. That’s it, you own a very high quality Instagram account to start or promote your business and earn money on Instagram.